
Get rid of your fear of numbers once and for all!

  photo by lrargerich  When you get some quiet time, when you have a few minutes to yourself and you think about your business, do the numbers scare you?  Whether it’s your bank account balance, your taxes, your profitability – are those financial numbers scaring you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of […]

5 Ways to take a quick fun break this winter!

We’re at that time of year when the winter blah really sets in (I’m sure February is the longest month of the year!).  We’ve at least had a couple of days that weren’t gray, but it’s certainly been looking more like Seattle then Kansas City. It’s cold outside – so here are 5 diversions on […]

Have you gotten into the Shark Tank yet?

   photo by egarc2 I had a chance to catch the 2nd half of an episode of Shark Tank over the weekend (I saw the last half of Episode 7 if you’re looking it up). If you’re not familiar with the show, it’s a 1/2 hour reality show where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their idea or […]

Can we go back to the good old days of business?

   Looking through the lens of nostalgia, business used to be simple.  You could set up a road side stand (or the equivalent) and offer things that people wanted locally.  Your long term success totally depended on your local reputation and at the end of the day it was more about how you interacted with […]

3 things to learn from the economic desert we’re in

   photo by visulogik I ran across an interesting article on CNN Money that talked about how recessions don’t spark start-ups – essentially the number of new businesses that get started every year (at least over the last 30 years) is steady and doesn’t have any correlation to difficult times (or much of anything else). […]

Should you be playing a different game?

   photo by ellasdad There are times when you need to play a different game.  When the current playing field is too crowded, too much of a commodity or just not a great place to be, you need to change the rules.  When you’re vulnerable to changes and competition…you need to play a different game. […]