
How to actually use Twitter for your business…

I’m a big proponent of Social Media – to me it’s pretty clear that it is the wave of the future that will eventually knock down old-school sales and marketing techniques.  In a world of active Social Media, you can’t hide from your customers or prospects – people will say what they think and the […]

Best Marketing in the World

  photo by luckyrob If you’re looking for success stories of social media, then you should check out Queensland Tourism board’s latest marketing idea. It’s a contest called The Best Job in the World – basically it’s an open video audition for the newly created ‘Caretaker of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef’.  This […]

How would you like to start doing less?

photo by padraic woods One of the common themes I’m getting from business owners is that they are doing too much.  A major reason for their stress is that they’ve got too many balls in the air and they are constantly juggling priorities, commitments to themselves and other people and things they’d like to be […]

How to NOT market yourself in Social Media

There is a lot of confusion out there on how to use Online Social Networking sites to make money.  Unless you’ve been under a rock, you’ve heard about the huge rise in popularity in social media and the inevitable rise of interest in how it can used to make money…and that’s where the problem comes […]

A really important question you should be asking

  photo by Harpersbizarre  A few months ago I wrote about a fun story that Verne Milot shared with me on the importance of facing the tiger.  Verne is the owner of a coaching firm called Growth Associates in St. Catherine’s Canada (near Niagra) and a fellow coach in the PBCA. Anyway, I recently had […]

10 Great Ways to Sink your business!

  photo by rs-foto  Not everyone wants to build a business that will grow.  There are people that absolutely love to work really long hours, prefer doing things the hard way and have no plans to ever sell their business or leave it in any shape for anyone else. There are business owners that enjoy […]