Articles on: Small Business Strategy

Are you working hard…on the right things?

photo by balakov Hard work is always going to be part of the equation for success for a business owner (or anyone else for that matter).  The picture above is a clever reproduction of a famous photograph “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” from 1932.  I’m sure you’ve seen it before (see link) with a bunch of […]

What are the 5 steps to the Big Picture?

photo by Never Cool In School There’s a lot going on with business owners these days – you’ve got the everyday challenges of just running your own business, you’ve got an economy that’s in the tank (and media outlets doing everything they can to make that as scary as possible) and you’ve got an election […]

Become transparent to make an impact

photo by marcomagrini  Think about the huge number of problems that would go away if everyone was transparent and focused about who they were and what they’re doing. I’m sure there are people out there that will say this is a naive view, but I believe that transparency can be a huge driver for success.  […]

The Science of Change

Photo by Kyknoord  At this point it’s pretty much a cliche that Change is hard.  What’s new is the scientific understanding of why it’s hard to change – and how that understanding can help make change occur. Unfortunately for a small business owner, especially in today’s economic climate, change isn’t  just likely, it’s a near […]

Is your superior Product falling down a hole?

It has long been said “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door”.  That may have been true a hundred plus years ago, but these days better doesn’t guarantee that your superior product will generate superior returns. I had a chance to see the 3D version of the newly […]

What to be when you grow up?

I had a great conversation the other day with one of my BANG clients about the need to get some systems in place to help automate processes.  It’s a pretty common problem faced by a lot of small business owners, but before you can really make a call on what the right solution is, you […]