3 Ways to Jumpstart Your Business in 2020
It’s here, the New Year, the dawn of new decade, a fresh start. Are you ready? We’ve all made our 2020 iteration of New Year’s Resolutions, though by now some of them have already been broken. None the less, resolutions are a time of renewal and recommitment that’s associated with the 1st of every year like no other annual event. When it comes to your business or professional life, it isn’t any different. But just like your personal resolutions, the biggest obstacle in accomplishing them is often the lack of simply taking action. You must take action.
To keep this short and action-oriented, here’s 3 powerful ways to jumpstart your business this year and launch yourself into the 2nd decade of the 21st century.
1) Sign up for a continuing education course/event
If you are not getting better, you’re falling behind. In today’s business climate we all need to be constantly sharpening our business acumen. Commit to at least 1 educational course/event this year. A few suggestions…
- Enroll in a business class at a local college.
- Join a Business Growth Focused Group with other business owners.
- Join a Business Mastermind Peer-Group.
- Check out a Business Book Review or book club in your area.
With all the on-line courses available today, there are tons of options for continuing education, regardless of where you live. Just pick one. You can do it!
2) Read 30 minutes a day
Challenge yourself to shut off all your “noise” and read a business or leadership book for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Reading a book stretches and expands the mind differently than scanning social media feeds. Use it to fuel your brain and focus on a specific task for 30 minutes. You’ll be glad you did. Research shows that reading is a proven way to improve both your intelligence and emotional IQ, reduce stress, and live longer!
3) Be Specific. Schedule it.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is simply not taking the time to follow through and schedule what they plan to do. Once you commit to doing something make sure it is on your calendar. You must take ownership. If you sign up for a class, get the dates on your calendar. If you’re going read 30 minutes a day, there should be a time scheduled every day. If you commit to leading a project, be clear on when it will be completed. You must be intentional and the best way to do this is setting dates and timelines of what you’re committing to. Take ownership and schedule it!
What do you think? Sounds simple enough. Can you do it? Are you ready to jumpstart not only the new year, but the new decade? If not now, when? Executing even one of these resolutions consistently will benefit both you and your business.
Finally, to all our readers, here’s wishing you and your business much Health and Prosperity in 2020! As always, we value your comments and please feel free to reach out anytime.
Chris Steinlage, Kansas City Business Coach.