What can you do in 5 seconds or less? Why it matters…


There are two walls colliding in the information world.    Today the amount of information coming is faster than ever and our thirst for it seems unquenchable.    On the flip-side this has greatly reduced the amount of time we allow ourselves to focus on a single piece of information, before we move on to the next.   I was reminded again this past week, if you don’t grab your viewer attention in the first few seconds, they are gone.

Are you still there?

So if we screwed up that first paragraph, you probably aren’t reading this sentence!

If we still have you, the biggest obstacle is already passed.   Now we must keep you engaged so you hear what we have to say.   For you to want to listen, something about the message needs to pique your interest and intrigue you.   And lastly, if we have created an effective message, you have learned something that could potentially benefit you or someone you know.   When this happens, you remember it and are more likely to tell others about it.

Will you remember?

Often explaining how we work as business coaches is difficult to do in a short period of time. Making it memorable is even more challenging.  Of course, we’re not alone – there are many industries that face this same challenge.   So this week, we are highlighting one of our most powerful products and have tried to explain and educate through a powtoon’s animated video.

Click through to YouTube here: http://youtu.be/CefPMY89iTE

We would love to hear your thoughts and give it a “Thumbs up” or “Like” if you think it is effective.   As always we appreciate any comments.

Photo by Keoni Cabral via Flickr

Chris Steinlage, Kansas City Business Coach