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Ideas for business success – upgrade your website!

This is a guest post from Gloria Martinez – see her info below – thanks Gloria. Growing a business is a significant challenge – especially with how fast the world is changing. One of the critical things a successful business must have these days is an up to date, effective web presence. Here are a […]

From Contacts to Contracts: Utilizing Networks for Business Growth

This is a guest post from Gloria Martinez (thanks Gloria)…! Starting a new business is an exhilarating journey, but landing your first clients can be daunting. One way to over come this is through networking. Leveraging your existing connections can be a powerful strategy. Read on to see how you can effectively use your network […]

3 Things to Consider when Launching

I had a great discussion with a new entrepreneur last week – he’s been working a few side hustles for a while, but after 2 years of thinking and planning, he’s ready to launch a new stand-alone business. Every business (and start-up) is different, but as we were talking, 3 key points came up that […]

Are you Painting or Sculpting your Business?

I’ve been reading an interesting book – From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks and he brought up a perspective that I hadn’t thought about before. In the book, the context is around the idea of how we (collectively) look at creating our life. His take – based on research and personal experience – is […]

The Full Analysis: Use Data Analytics to Grow Your Business

This is a guest post from Gloria Martinez (see her bio at the end). Thanks Gloria. The use of AI and other automated technology has made it easy for a business to collect data from its customer base and use this information to optimize its processes and decision-making. Now, with strategic analysis and the right […]

The Positive Power of a Good ‘No’

The word ‘No’ gets a bad rap. Sure it has a negative connotation, arguably it’s the essence of negative, but there is a lot of power in a good ‘No’! The problem is that we’re innately wired to view ‘No’ as a problem – which means we don’t like saying it and we don’t like […]