Are you looking to hire someone for a critical position and absolutely must make sure you get the right candidate? If so then you need to think about pre-employment assessment testing. This simple, low-cost and perfectly legal tool can help you hire the person that meets your desired characteristics (e.g. assertiveness, attitude, energy level, manageability, etc. What’s the cost of a bad hire for any of your new employees? Wouldn’t it make sense to use a world class state of the art assessment tool to improve your outcomes?
Download our brochure and give us a call to get more detailed information about how this tool can help you hire that perfect person!
Profiles International
Profiles supplies world class pre-screen hiring and assessment tools that can dramatically impact the quality and retention of new hires. As a Profiles partner, Aspire can deliver these tools at a substantial savings for our clients.
Check out this client testimonial:
“A major benefit we continue to see is in the area of driver turnover. The American Trucking Association reported a national average of 109% turnover for medium sized carriers.
Turnover for large carriers exceeded 130%. Our Vice President recently attended a trucking symposium sponsored by our insurance carrier. When we reported our 17% from last year, we were met with looks of great disbelief.
Did the use of Profiles assessments alone cause 83% driver retention? Probably not, but no doubt, these tools were the main reason. This one benefit continues to save us thousands of dollars in recruitment and training costs.”
James Maloney
United Freight Service Inc
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