How to Identify Your Core Marketing Message

This is a guest post from Thomas Glare (see bio at the end)…

There are critical things you need to get right regarding marketing. We all recognize the power behind a solid marketing strategy. But, talk to any marketer, and it will become clear that there are so many challenges to overcome. One of the most important is to identify the target audiences. Once you do, it is important to craft the right marketing message to reach them.

We will explore how to create successful marketing messages in our article. But first, let’s understand what is marketing message. 

Marketing Message: What Is It?

Let’s kick off the discussion by understanding what is marketing message. Without getting technical, it simply means how you communicate with customers. We are not only talking about words here. But the tone, personality, and emotions as well.

Let’s say you want to craft a marketing message for 5 pound deposit slots – a specific type of slot machine in the UK. The best way to go about crafting the message will be: –

·         Identify the WHO or the target audience. In this case, it would be casino players.

·         Focus on WHY. Why should anyone want to participate? The fact that you don’t need a lot of money to participate would make it very attractive. 

·         Talk about the HOW. How can you get some crazy winnings? Well, it could be bonuses, referrals, spins, and so much more. 

·         And, think about the tone of voice. Bring in excitement, anticipation, and the thrill of playing the slots. That means the language should be pretty informal and fun. 

Once you have the key points down, take a keener look. Does it answer all the questions a slot player would ask? An excellent marketing message should not leave room for any doubt or concerns about what you are trying to convey. The language should be simple, straight to the point, and of course, original. If you copy and paste what others are doing, you will lose out. 

Remember, successful marketing messages play one critical role. Audiences form an impression of your brand from what you put out there. If you don’t inspire trust, your competitors will thank you. 

Want to know why? It’s simple, people transact with you because they trust what you are saying. Would you ever take the word of someone, even a friend or family member, you don’t trust?

We can guess the answer is a resounding NO. Marketing message helps form a positive perception and eventually trust amongst target audiences. 

How to Create Your Core Marketing Message

By now, you know what marketing message means. But how do you go about creating your core marketing message?

Get the Basics Right

Look at any 101-marketing tutorial. One of the most powerful steps is to identify the target audience. Answer the following questions.

·         Who do you want to talk to?

·         What are their pain points? Let’s say you sell organic products. A pain point could be a lack of availability or highly-priced products. 

·         How can you offer a solution? It is important to establish relevance right from the get-go.

·         Why should they come to you and not the competitor?

·         What media do your target audiences consume and when? If you are talking to Gen Z, social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat would be your best bet. Older demographics may still consume analog media, like print and television.

A solid tip that always works is to create a buyer persona. It should be a representation of what your ideal client will be.

Take a Look at What You Have Been Doing

If you have been crafting marketing messages that don’t work, go back to the drawing board. There are things you could be doing that are hurting your efforts. 

·         Are you minimizing your brand due to the competition? There are already so many slot machines, so there is no way to emerge above the clutter? That is a dismissive, self-defeatist attitude, which you must let go of. 

·         Have you identified what makes your brand different from the competitors? If not, you need a value proposition that shows how you are unique. 

·         Are there any industry-specific expectations that you need to overcome? Take the example of minimal stakes slots can never yield great returns.

·         Do you have clarity on what the public and target audiences think about your brand?

Create the Marketing Message

Great marketing message examples have one similarity. They are short, concise, and extremely powerful. Yet, the language is simple, familiar, and what your target audience uses every day. Also, remember to be authentic and personable. 

Brands like Coca-Cola, for instance, have perfected the art of coming up with core messages. Some outstanding ones have included: Share a coke, Always Coca-Cola, Coke side of life, Taste the feelings, etc. 

The auto industry has had some fantastic messaging. You may know “the car in front of you is always a Toyota.’ Whether the premise is true or not, it will stay in your mind. It will even have you paying extra attention to the vehicles in front of you.

And that is another important point about creating impactful marketing messages. You must strive for memorability. 

Final Thoughts

Identifying your core marketing message is not a simple process. Yet, it is a crucial step that you cannot choose to ignore. The right messaging provides a powerful way to connect with target audiences. You look for a way to create impact without appearing pushy or intent on making a sale. 

Start by taking care of the basics. One is to identify and understand the target audience. Who are you talking to, what solution are you providing, and why should they come to you instead of your competitors?

It also helps to take another look at what you have been doing. There are some things you may inadvertently be doing wrong. Your marketing messaging will significantly improve if you find a way around them. Remember, audiences want simple to understand communication. The message, at a glance, should provide solutions and not any questions.

So, maybe you have any other insights on how to identify your core marketing message? Then feel free to share your ideas in the comments!

Author Bio: Thomas Glare is a freelance blogger. Through his extensive research, he has written many articles and blog posts about digital marketing and how to yield results in a short period. Thomas spends time interacting with important stakeholders in the marketing sector to get first-hand information.

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