How do you eat an elephant?
When you’re trying to make big changes, personally or in your business, they can often be overwhelming. In fact that’s why a lot of New Year’s resolutions fail – they’re too big to tackle all at once (and more than likely there are too many of them).
Pamela Slim, who has a great blog at Escape from Cubicle Nation has a great post here about setting yourself up for a 4 day win.
Basically the idea is to take those big resolutions and break them into small pieces that you can successfully complete in the next 4 days. Then take the next small piece and get it done in the next 4 days.
3 guys, a camera and 4 days…
The video linked below is a fantastic example of doing the unimaginable by breaking it down into small components.
Imagine recreating the D-Day invasion of Normandy – with only 3 people! It’s a 4 minute video, but it’s well worth the time.
Here’s a link to the Youtube page.
What elephant are you trying to eat?
You eat an elephant 1 bite at a time – it seems overly simplistic, but by fully planning out all the steps that need to be done and then doing something to move forward every day, you can get through the entire thing!
What elephant are you trying to eat? Share your challenge here – I’d be glad to help you think through your next steps.
Shawn Kinkade