Get your creativity flowing with these fun ads!

One of the foundations of Guerrilla Marketing is creativity – finding a unique and interesting way to capture attention.  However just as importantly you need to be talking to the right people and you need to be getting them to think about the problems you solve and the benefits you deliver.

The example above does a great job of being different and illustrating the benefits…the only drawback is that it probably was pretty expensive, but compared to a TV commercial, I’m sure it was a bargain and it would have much longer lasting impact.

Interested in seeing some more examples…


I love the Free Air Guitar promotion from Rock 96.3…it’s about as low cost as you can get, but you instantly know what kind of station they are, you’re going to tell your friends and it’s pretty funny!  Thanks to DirectDaily

This one is a little more subtle, but another clever way to get across a benefit visually.

I really like the clever and interactive way this company ran their campaign.  Rather than just creating pictures to use for ads, they created staged scenes and encouraged people to take their own pictures and submit them…with the winners voted on and used in posters.  It doesn’t focus on benefits, but it’s a great way to get talked about.

A creative way to draw attention to a difficult subject – non profits are a lot more likely to come up with really clever ideas because they have limited resources.

Finally – the mouth above is series of flyers for…a local dentist of course!  Extremely low cost, eye catching and a good way to get some attention.

If you’re interested in seeing more like this – there’s a lot of great posts at the Creative Guerrilla Marketing blog and at the Boot$trapping Blog – great stuff.

What kind of creative visual could you use to grab the attention of your prospects?

Share your thoughts in the comments below, I’d love to hear them.

Shawn Kinkade  Kansas City Business Coach