Fresh stuff on the web!
There’s always something new on the web, so I thought I would share some updates from a couple of clients of mine and a contact I met a few weeks ago.
Math Monkey going Guerrilla (marketing that is…)
Chris Kutenkuler is the owner of the Math Monkey franchise here in Kansas City and he’s been doing a lot of cool stuff lately.
Not only does he have a great summer camp option with Carver Reading and Mad Science and a new Blog, but he was also just featured on Fox 4 – which is a great way to generate some buzz about your product . Anyway, check out the blog and a link to the Fox 4 video.
Brain Bucket is starting something new
My friend Toby is doing some additional definition on his business. He’s still helping business owners develop a really cost-effective web presence, but now he’s adding in the option to get the training and coaching you need to really start building that presence into a marketing tool that can drive your business.
You can read more about his approach on his new creation – the Bucket Blog! I had a chance to go to his introductory workshop last week and really enjoyed the discussion on real, practical enjoyable ways you can develop your web presence (and why you would want to). He’s going to be doing them every couple of weeks, so check out the next one on May 30th.
Start navigating with Social Radar
I had a chance to meet with Adam Coomes from Infegy a few weeks ago (we met on the KC Online Community site – you should check that out as well).
Anyway, Adam and his business partner have created a really cool product called Social Radar that can let businesses tap into the ‘buzz’ that’s in the blogosphere. As an example, if you were running the Democratic National Party, you could use the tool to see which candidate is being talked about the most, who’s talking about them, what the related keywords are and how that’s trended over time. There’s dozens of ways you could use this information to be more strategic, more informed or better equipped to market your product (or candidate…).
Anyway, Adam and Justin have created a new blog that’s going to start featuring ideas from Social Radar that they can share with the world – they’re doing some pretty cool stuff, you should check it out!
Have a great week – let me know what you think of the new blogs!
Shawn Kinkade