
Clear your mind to really get things done!

  Picture this – you’re in the middle of a 10 day vacation at a cabin in a beautiful resort area.  There’s no cell phone coverage, the weather is great and you haven’t even turned on the TV in days.  You are in a stress free state – nothing you have to do right now, […]

Is Social Media a Silver Bullet – Part 2

photo by A lot of people are looking at Social Media marketing as some kind of ‘silver bullet’ for their marketing woes.  As I mentioned in Part 1 of this series, there’s good news and bad news when it comes to marketing for Business to Business opportunities.  The bad news is that Social Media […]

How productive are you really?

Are you the king of your jungle?  Master of your own domain (oh wait…that’s something completely different)!  😉 What I’m getting at is do you feel like you’re in full control of your time and what you do with it?  Are you productive? If you’re like most people, that answer is a resounding NO!  You’re […]

Is Social Media a Silver Bullet? Part 1

photo by Tiago Daniel Wouldn’t it be great to have an almost sure-fire winner when it comes to marketing your business or yourself?  With all of the hype and discussion about Social Media, some people are assuming that they’ve found the answer. In fact, I’ve had several people ask me if Social Media really was […]

7 Reasons why giving drives success in business

photo by jsorbieus Can generosity – giving stuff away, helping others really help you win at business? This came up the other day during a workshop I was doing on Guerrilla Marketing – one of the characteristics of a successful Guerrilla Marketer is Generosity (contact me if you’d like to get an evaluation for all […]

Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working!

photo by kennymatic Marketing for small business owners has gotten a lot harder in the last 20 years.  Way back when, if you wanted to generate some sales, you could pull together an ad, let people know what you were selling and you stood a good chance of selling more stuff.  These days there’s way […]