5 Ways Technology can Keep Your Employees Engaged

This is a guest post from Bea Potter, a freelance writer, that we thought might be a good change of pace – check it out.

Employee engagement is hugely important challenge in the modern workplace. Studies have shown that engaged employees are more productive, meaning that understanding how to keep your staff engaged is a worthwhile investment.

As the gig economy expands and more and more people seek control over their working lives, employers have to find ever more ingenious ways in keeping team members engaged. As with so many processes in the digital age, businesses are increasingly turning to technology to provide integrated employee systems.

Below are a few ways that you can use technology to engage with your employees.


“The first week in a new company can dictate how an employee engages with your company,” says Kelly Beaton, HR specialist at Custom Essay and Assignment Writers, “Your induction process can be optimized to offer clear expectations of both your company and your workforce.”

When an employee first starts at your company, you’ll find a fully automated digital induction is a timely and cost-effective way to deliver key messages about your business.

You can craft coherent and comprehensive slides and quizzes to deliver your key requisites. Depending on your industry, you may also create training programs to bring your new employee up to speed.

Collaborative Working

Many businesses now use apps or sharing facilities to come up with staff roots or send out minutes, but you need not stop there.

Among the various apps available now you’ll find virtual meetings assistant that will help you take meaningful notes and creating agendas. You’ll find polling apps which will help you make decisions as a team, such as company outings or key dates.


For those who are just starting out a career in your company, the thought of constantly asking questions of more experienced employees can be quite daunting. Having a well-crafted resource section of your intranet is a great way to keep your team informed.

“Your intranet and resource centers are crucial to keeping staff members informed,” writes Marion Klutz, training manager at BoomEssays and Paper Fellows, “Getting your employees to regularly log in to your intranet will engage them in how your business is growing and how they are a part of it.”

You should encourage your team to log in and update their details regularly on these resource sites, even contribute. You’ll find that as employees gain experience they may be able to offer insights and so your resource center can constantly grow and evolve.


No longer are social media and image sharing sites the domain of marketing specialists. As the general workforce gets more adept at using marketing to access gains for a business, the more employers should be seeking to utilize this knowledge.

Most businesses, by now, have a twitter feed, so invite your employees to either follow it or contribute to it. Everyone loves a good photo or engaging picture. This offers not only your customers a chance to witness your company culture, but reinforces your employee’s engagement.

Employee Feedback

“A company can be made or broken on employee feedback,” writes Matthew Grover, employee resource manager at Lucky Assignments and Gum Essays, “Some of the best ideas are generated from the frontline, so utilizing feedback allows these ideas to filter through.”

There are a whole host of apps that can augment your one-to-ones and team meetings. Much as you would with customer and client feedback, you can anonymize feedback questionnaires to get an honest and comprehensive idea of how your workforce feel about their working lives.

Through this, you may find all kinds of new and exciting ideas of how to incentivize your staff, as well as get a clear understanding of their motivations.

Beatrix Potter is an experienced writer who specializes in digital marketing and entrepreneurship at Academic Writing Services. She is a content marketing specialist who writes on diverse subjects at Dissertation Writing Services and Essayroo, academic websites.

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