Articles on: Leadership

Is Confirmation Bias keeping you from succeeding?

Confirmation Bias is defined as  “a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions.” On the surface that sounds like a fairly innocent issue – we look for information that bolsters our current beliefs. The problem is that confirmation bias makes it really difficult to change our minds (and […]

How to Make Stretching a Habit in Your Business

At some point you’ve probably experienced sore muscles. Maybe it was the first time you hit the weights after a long break or you decided to run a couple miles on a whim, when you’ve mostly been running to the refrigerator for the last 6 months!  One of the surest ways to wake up your […]

Want to grow? Don’t be a Hub…

Summertime is vacation time; is your business ready to run without you?   Recently a situation occurred with one of our Aspire clients that added a twist to this familiar summer quagmire.  However, it wasn’t the owner, but the Operations Manager (#2 position on their Accountability Chart) who was going to be gone for a few […]

Embracing Accountability

Accountability, specifically a Culture of Accountability. If that’s not something you need for your business then stop reading.  But, if the word incites any level of curiosity or desire on how to grow a culture that embraces it, read on. This past week, accountability became the topic of discussion during a meeting (it often does).  […]

The Subtle Art of Leadership?

There’s a lot of information out there on Leadership – probably because it’s such a key ingredient for success… but also because it’s a very challenging topic that unfortunately can’t be baked into a simple recipe that works for everyone (or all the time). There is a science to leadership – but there’s also an […]

Engaged? How about Delivering Outcomes?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the idea of employee engagement. For starters, it’s a horribly clinical term that doesn’t really capture the essence of the concept. What’s really important, and maybe more difficult to explain, is the idea of having a self-directed team that comes up with ideas and does things that you […]