Articles on:

Helpful Observations on Time

As a culture we’re obsessed with age and the passage of time – especially at this time of year (holidays and the whole New Year thing). I imagine you’ve heard a lot of things along the lines of; ‘Back in my day kids were (pick your favorite complaint)‘ – Or more simply just “Get off […]

Is your business afflicted with Time Poverty?

What’s worse, not having enough money or not having enough time? My friend John Stevenson recently shared a great post he’d written on Time Poverty. *As a side note, if you’re not subscribed to his weekly Sunday Snippets, you should be. He writes some of the most impactful articles I’ve seen – you can learn […]

Busy? Are you out of control?

It seems like everywhere you look, anyone you might talk to, people are busy. And not just kind of busy, but crazy busy. Busy to the point that they are feeling exhausted. Busy to the point that they are miserable, neglecting things that make them happy or make them feel good (longer walks, the time […]

Time Flies – What can you do about it?

In virtually every meeting I’ve been in over the last month or two, someone has made the comment that they can’t believe that the year is almost half over. More and more, it feels like time is flying – and generally not because we’re all having so much fun! Most business owners I know work […]

Spring Forward? 3 Ideas for more time… (take 2)

Most of us worry about time management. And to make it worse, roughly 97% of the US population lost one hour of their day this past Sunday at 2am. The good news is considering the winter most of the country has endured, it’s a positive sign that Spring is actually coming!  But, none the less, […]

Are Distractions Killing Your Productivity?

   A recent HBR article addressed the topic of coping with the overwhelming amount of distractions we are bombarded with on a daily basis. The world is getting louder every day and without any strategies to limit the distractions, they will wreck the schedule of even the most well-intentioned productive individuals, including you! Recent studies […]