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Overcoming Customer Service Obstacles in a Small Retail Business

This is a guest post from Jori Hamilton (see her bio at the end) – thanks Jori… Small business ownership is an enticing career path that allows you to pursue your passions instead of working in a traditional corporate setting. However, it isn’t without its challenges, especially if you choose a retail business. One of […]

Stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s time to challenge your processes!

For a business to grow, repeatable systems and processes are a foundational component for creating a scalable business. The business of franchising businesses would not exist without this model.  It’s not an accident that a Big Mac tastes the same no matter where you order it. Healthy or not, building a Big Mac is a […]

No Time? 5 Tools for Automating your Small Business Today

This is a guest post from Kat Sarmiento – you can see her bio at the end of the article. All businesses eventually either grow or fail. And with growth comes challenges and complexity. Whether you’re an entrepreneur offering personal products and services, or a manufacturer or distributor getting your product out in the marketplace, […]

Business Lessons: Black, White, and a place for Common Sense

The ability to scale in any business hinges on the ability to create systems and procedures that are teachable and repeatable.   It is the key to delivering a consistent product or service.  When it is truly dialed in, it creates a level of autonomy that frees employees to literally and figuratively excel in their roles.  […]

When Hustle isn’t Helping

If you follow any media or experts on start-ups these days, one of the most common topics is the importance of hustle. The general gist is that you need to be cracking the whip 24/7 if you want to create something worthwhile. “Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far.” – Gary Vaynerchuk or […]

Simple Success… Is 4 the Magic Number?

Limiting quantities to “4” as a means to simplify has proven to be pretty successful in a lot of instances throughout history.  Who knows what the original driver was, maybe it started with the human species only having four limbs or was it the four seasons of the year, or the four cardinal directions, or […]