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Be a Better Leader with the Crucial Influence Model

The idea of leadership gets bogged down with lots of shiny trappings. There’s a tendency to focus on charisma, big ideas, communication skills, or how someone looks or dresses. And all of those things have an impact, but the reality is that great leadership is all about influence. The ability to change and direct behaviors […]

How to Survive The 4 Horsemen of Failed Relationships

Business owners and professionals often get locked into the financial and technical aspects of business. If you have a business degree or an MBA, you took classes that explored profitable business models, accounting rules and Key Performance Indicators. And while all of those things are important for a successful business, they don’t cover a fundamental […]

Your Money or Your Time?

I was talking with a client of mine recently, a business owner, and by almost all accounts their business is doing very well. They have good profits coming in, the cashflow is strong, the business is growing and they have a great team working for them. In fact, they are making more money than they […]

Spring: Leveraging a Time for Change

The signs of spring are all around us.  Whether it’s the early morning birds chirping, warmer temperatures, plants starting to bud, or any other number of ways nature let’s us know the season is changing.  And, though it may not always be as noticeable, your business is changing too.  So how can your business leverage […]

Want to get audited by the IRS?  Here’s 5 ways to increase your chances!

It’s that time of year, the frequency of Tax software ads and commercials reach levels of political ads prior to an election (w/o all the mud).  There’s no question it is tax season!  This is also the time of year we are most likely to think about the potential of being audited by the IRS. […]

Legacy and Impact? Do you focus on these?

When we talk about business growth or business success, it’s often in terms of revenue, or profits. And that makes sense, you don’t have a business if you aren’t making money. But the reality is that most business owners want more than that. They want to make an impact and they want to leave a […]