Articles on:

Exiting or Growing Your Business – Here’s what to focus on…!

I’ve recently talked to several business owners who are at a point where they are actively starting to think about exiting their business. I’ve also recently met with several business owners who are looking to aggressively grow their business. That’s not surprising considering what we do at Aspire, but what might be surprising to you […]

5 Ways to Dramatically Streamline your Business

Whether you love or hate Amazon, you have to admire what they’ve accomplished in the last 25 years. They started with almost nothing and became the dominant retail force in the US. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and CEO has often been asked how he was able to predict what people would want in the future. […]

Got a problem? I-D-S it…!

Every business has issues.   There are issues when business is good and there are issues when business is bad.   The reality is all businesses have issues (even yours).   It’s the ability to effectively solve those issues that often separates one business from another.  But how does one effectively and efficiently solve issues? There has to […]

Simple Success… Is 4 the Magic Number?

Limiting quantities to “4” as a means to simplify has proven to be pretty successful in a lot of instances throughout history.  Who knows what the original driver was, maybe it started with the human species only having four limbs or was it the four seasons of the year, or the four cardinal directions, or […]

Are you pushing for ‘Simple’ in your business?

Take a minute and think about your average work-day.  How many meetings do you have?  How many discussions (planned or unplanned)? How many different topics do you touch on in a typical day?  If you’re like most business owners or professionals, you’re dealing with a lot of ideas, concepts, and personalities. Unless you’re doing something […]

The 3 Best Ideas from Great Business Books

3 years ago I started doing a monthly Business Book Review – a fairly simple idea where I take a business book that I think my clients should read and I summarize it for them (about 7 pages or so) and present it as a discussion with slides over breakfast.  The response has been great […]