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Are you tapping the power of Simple?

Patrick Lencioni is a brilliant guy. Not because his teachings have helped tens of thousands of business owners be more successful (although they have…). And not because he’s written 10 fantastic books, including The Five Dysfunctions of a Team…although he’s done that as well. No – Patrick Lencioni is brilliant because he truly understands and […]

3 ways to do more from The Power of Less

Business (and the world in general) is getting more and more complicated all the time.  It often feels like it’s too much and we all want to hide someplace clean and quiet.  From a practical standpoint, if you want to get more done you need to start thinking about doing less.  It’s not as counter-intuitive […]

Get On the Same Page with Joe Calhoon

It’s a simple idea…the best ideas always are.  2 people can accomplish more than 1 person on their own, but the real trick is that 2 people working together can accomplish a LOT more than 1 person…or even 2 people working independently.  Bottom line, if you want to achieve more, you’ve got to have teamwork…and […]

A case for Simplicity in Business

  photo by Vvillamon The world’s a pretty complicated place right now.  Politics are complicated, technology (although exciting) is complicated…business is complicated – but it doesn’t have to be. I’m working with a couple of different clients on strategic planning and if we’re not careful it’s really easy to get bogged down into a lot […]

Do you need to simplify your business?

photo by albertopveiga Does it ever seem like life gets too complicated? Does your business get so crazy that you constantly feel like you have to play the ‘Hero’ – come in and pick up the pieces and save the day? Have you ever had a potential customer say to you:  “Now what is it […]