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Are you like a turtle crossing a busy road?

It must be the time of the year, but I’ve seen two turtles attempting to cross busy streets just in the last week. One of them was a young turtle who looked to be wandering in circles (but still in the road) but the other one was a full grown box turtle that was plowing […]

What to do with too much Growth

By almost all accounts, Tom is having a great year with his business. Revenue is up, former customers are calling for more help and there’s been a record pace of quality referrals. But Tom has a serious problem. Too much growth might be considered to be a ‘nice problem to have’ and more money makes […]

What Your Business Needs to Learn from Switzerland

Sure they are known for their watches, chocolate, & great snow skiing, but Switzerland’s position of neutrality during war may be what they are most famous (some view as infamous) for.  The last time Switzerland was at war was 1505.  They managed to stay neutral during WWI and WWII.  They didn’t join the United Nations […]

5 Ways Your Business Can Fall Off the Cliff

As a business owner do you ever feel like you’re struggling to hang on by your fingernails?  Most of us have been there at one time or another – in fact it turns out there are some predictable reasons why you might be at risk for having your business fall off the cliff. If you […]

51% of Employees are very, very sad!

  photo by hacky There are a bunch of unhappy people out there.  And the really scary part of that equation is that most of them are your employees (well maybe not your employees, but someone’s employees). Several recent studies have shown that over 50% of employees are unhappy with their job and would consider […]

Who Needs Sleep? 8 things to watch out for.

“My hands are locked up tight in fistsMy mind is racing, filled with listsof things to do and things I’ve doneAnother sleepless night’s begun”. Who Needs Sleep – The Bare Naked Ladies It’s tough to be a business owner and you will have more than your fair share of stress and sleepless nights.  Whether you’re […]