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How do you score on these 3 Value Drivers?

One of the ‘secrets’ to long term business success is to build your business as if you’re going to sell it…whether you actually intend to sell it or not.  This shift in mindset – looking at your business as an asset that you can and should be improving – helps you prioritize and focus on […]

3 cool things that are well worth your time

  photo by emdot It’s a Friday afternoon and I thought I would share 3 fun and interesting, but totally unrelated things.  The internet is an amazing resource…what is it not capable of? Item #1 – Accidental Innovation Most of the time you think about inventors laboring away in the lab, spending years coming up […]

A really important question you should be asking

  photo by Harpersbizarre  A few months ago I wrote about a fun story that Verne Milot shared with me on the importance of facing the tiger.  Verne is the owner of a coaching firm called Growth Associates in St. Catherine’s Canada (near Niagra) and a fellow coach in the PBCA. Anyway, I recently had […]