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The Power of Laughter

It’s long been said that laughter is the best medicine.  In the 1300’s, Henri de Mondeville, a French Surgeon, was already studying and documenting the positive effects of using laughter as therapy for pain reduction with his patients.  And a full millennium prior that, Aristotle theorized that “Laughter is a bodily exercise, precious to Health.” […]

5 Quotes to Inspire for a New Year

This time of year is always good for reflection and inspiration – and to that end, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite quotes that seem especially applicable when you’re thinking about the upcoming New Year. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller What you get out […]

Fly the whole mess into the sea?

How important is it to keep a positive perspective?  It’s a popular topic on the self-help and self-development circuit as one of the keys to long-term happiness (or at least contentment).  There have also been a lot of scientific studies – in this article on the benefits of positive thinking from the Mayo Clinic or this […]

Great Habit – Build on Thanksgiving!

It’s hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving – for me at least, 2011 has gone by in a blur (…time flies when you’re having fun?)!  Thanksgiving is always a great reminder to take a little time for yourself and think about what you’re grateful for.  Even better – use the time for reflection […]

What you’re thinking about is expanding

photo by kalleboo Have you ever had the experience of shopping for a new car, where you finally decide on THE car that you really want to buy.  Let’s say it’s a new Honda sedan…and at that point, you suddenly started noticing all of the Honda sedans on the road – they are everywhere! The […]

Sleepy? Need more energy? Check out these tips!

  photo by Are you exhausted? How about just not energized or struggling to stay focused and ‘in the zone’?  Maybe you just feel sleepy a lot! A lot of people these days are feeling stressed, nervous, anxious and generally not as effective or productive as they’d like to be – and that lack […]