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Business Lessons from Shoe Dog?

   When you think of Nike, you probably think of their cutting edge (and sometimes controversial) ads. Or you think of the high-profile athletes who are paid to represent them. Or maybe, if you’re more financially-minded, you think about their (approximate as of this time) $136 Billion market cap. And it’s exactly those lofty heights […]

As a Business Owner, How Much Money Should You Make?

When you’re heads down running your business, it can be really challenging to get some perspective on how things are going…even something as straightforward as how much money you should be making. We presented last week for Enterprise University – our topic was “Do You Own Your Business…or Does Your Business Own You?” (catchy right?). The focus of […]

Hot start-up story–what can you learn?

photo by Tilemahos It’s an age old problem – you want hot coffee (or tea, cocoa, whatever)…but not too hot.  Oh, and you want it to stay the right amount of hot for the longest time possible. Insulated mugs help some, but there’s never really been a great solution to this problem…until now assuming you […]

What are your numbers telling you?

It’s that time of year – the end of the calendar year and for most the end of the fiscal year. For many businesses, when it comes to their financial statements, it’s the time of year spent reviewing their “numbers”. In fact, it’s likely that small to medium sized business owners spend more time looking […]

What’s your definition of success?

Culturally the US has a real problem when it comes to trying to keep up with the Joneses (who knew there was a wikipedia article on that phrase?).  Business owners and entrepreneurs aren’t immune from this issue and probably even have it worse than the general public. As an entrepreneur starting out, you are going […]