Articles on:

10 Ways to Take Control of your Marketing

  photo by x-ray delta one Does your marketing suck?  Wouldn’t you like to strap on your mind control helmet and make your target market sit up and listen to all the great things you could do for them? There are times when marketing feels like black magic…or maybe rocket science, but the reality is […]

Great Marketing and a Local Search Visibility tool

  photo by nolifebeforecoffee Can your customers find your business when it comes to searching locally? Back in April when Google released / updated Google Places they also shared that 20% of all searches done on Google included location…translating to nearly 3 Billion searches using Google data from March!!! Beyond that, a recent study done […]

3 Tools to help you get found locally

One of the keys to success with small business (and one of the challenges) is that your potential customers need to be able to find you before they can actually spend any money with you. Of course you also need to have a product or service that solves their problem, presented in such a way […]

Do you Gnome your Customers well?

  photo by Per  Ola Wiberg  Although it’s starting to get too hot, it’s still gardening season and my wife has been doing a lot of work on our yard and flowers.  Some of it’s clean-up and the stuff you have to do every year, but a lot of it is finding new plants and […]

What can 5 Guys teach you about business?

I had the chance to go to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries over the long weekend (the closest one for me is over in Olathe on 119th and Blackbob. If you haven’t been to 5 Guys, it’s a burger franchise originally started in Washington D.C. about 20 years ago and it’s growing really fast.  They […]

Adventures in Car Buying – A positive story!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about our “Adventures In Car Shopping – how not to sell” and shared a somewhat painful story about our initial visit and test drive experience with 3 different car dealerships. As I mentioned previously, 2 of the dealerships / salesmen basically knocked themselves out of the running with a […]