Articles on:

What is the best B2C CRM for small businesses?

This week we’re branching out with a guest post from Daniela McVicker (you can see her information at the end of the post). Customer relations have come a long way since their inception. The Business2Consumer mentality has also shifted to a more UX-centric mentality instead of sheer delivery of the final product. Choosing the right […]

5 Ways Technology can Keep Your Employees Engaged

This is a guest post from Bea Potter, a freelance writer, that we thought might be a good change of pace – check it out. Employee engagement is hugely important challenge in the modern workplace. Studies have shown that engaged employees are more productive, meaning that understanding how to keep your staff engaged is a […]

5 Mistakes I Made as an Entrepreneur (and what I learned from them)

This is a guest post by Nicholas Rubright – Nicholas shares his experiences of starting up a company and some lessons learned. Worth your time to check it out. You can see more information on Nicholas at the end of the post. Thanks Nicholas – Shawn Kinkade Kansas City Business Coach As an entrepreneur, I […]

Guest Blogging: The Risks & Rewards

Today’s post is, ironically a guest blog on the topic of Guest Blogging…! Thanks to Phil Singleton of Kansas City Web Design® for a great explanation of the concept and why it’s a good idea, especially in today’s environment. If you’d be interested in Guest Blogging – let me know. This year content finally became ‘King’ – and […]