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Do you need to simplify your business?

photo by albertopveiga Does it ever seem like life gets too complicated? Does your business get so crazy that you constantly feel like you have to play the ‘Hero’ – come in and pick up the pieces and save the day? Have you ever had a potential customer say to you:  “Now what is it […]

7 Reasons why giving drives success in business

photo by jsorbieus Can generosity – giving stuff away, helping others really help you win at business? This came up the other day during a workshop I was doing on Guerrilla Marketing – one of the characteristics of a successful Guerrilla Marketer is Generosity (contact me if you’d like to get an evaluation for all […]

Get your creativity flowing with these fun ads!

One of the foundations of Guerrilla Marketing is creativity – finding a unique and interesting way to capture attention.  However just as importantly you need to be talking to the right people and you need to be getting them to think about the problems you solve and the benefits you deliver. The example above does […]

Five Keys to Effective Email Marketing

The world has changed a lot – you used to be able to send out letters…direct mail and bring in new business with great success. But costs have gone up, effectiveness of direct mail has gone down and there are lots of other marketing choices out there. One of those choices is email marketing – […]

What you need to win the Marketing Game?

Photo by Daexus I haven’t been able to play golf in a while (kids and a relatively new business tends to squeeze out your free time).  But I’ve played enough to recognize the one secret that all of the pros have that allows them to be great.  Without this trait, all the talent, brilliance, training […]