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More engagement? Replacing Managers with Coaches?

As a business owner, do you ever feel like you’re treading water? Or worse, actually losing ground? Some of that might be due to challenges in the marketplace, but more than likely it’s an impact of not having the right people on your team… or to put it another way, not having a team that’s […]

Accounting for Startups: Top Challenges and Solutions

This is a guest post from Mike Abelson (see bio at the end) – thanks Mike. Breaking out of job restrictions and becoming the master of oneself is a great milestone that’s exciting as much as it’s challenging. Any entrepreneur knows that launching a startup will be a long journey to success, with many unforeseen […]

Why KPIs Matter: A Look into Micromanagement and Better Options

This is a guest post from Jill Goodwin (see her info at the end…) – thanks Jill…! “Micromanagement is the destroyer of momentum.”—Miles Anthony Smith Many business leaders are so dedicated to reaching their goals that they micromanage their teams to ensure tasks are carried out optimally. And while this does seem like an effective […]

The Positive Power of a Good ‘No’

The word ‘No’ gets a bad rap. Sure it has a negative connotation, arguably it’s the essence of negative, but there is a lot of power in a good ‘No’! The problem is that we’re innately wired to view ‘No’ as a problem – which means we don’t like saying it and we don’t like […]

Small Business Marketing That Really Works—and How to Pay for It

This is a guest post from Jessica Larson – see her info at the end of the article… Business today is governed by surging innovation and growing market saturation. Because of this, marketing is more important than ever. Staying on top of trends can set you apart from your competitors; it can even make you […]

The Impact of Technology on Finance for Small Businesses

This is a guest post from Jori Hamilton (see bio at the end). Thanks Jori…! Tech is advancing all the time, and with it, small businesses are gaining all-new abilities when it comes to managing their finances. New software and systems allow for greater automation and quality assurance, but what exactly will this mean for […]