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Being Thankful in a Thankless Year – Finding Gratitude

If you’re feeling a little less than thankful this Thanksgiving you’re definitely not alone.  It has been quite a year.   And now as we approach what is normally the busiest travel holiday of the year, we’re being asked to reconsider any travel plans at all.  The challenge this year is finding gratitude when despair and […]

Senior Leadership! Congratulations to the class of 2020

She is only one of an estimated 3.7 million in the US, but history will frame it as an exclusive club.  She understands that in her lifetime, there will be plenty of memorable events to celebrate, although you could argue, that few have been more anticipated than the spring of her 18th year.  She’s a […]

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude.  Are you expressing it today?  Are you sure?  It’s not always easy to do.  Life can throw us some unexpected curve balls and there are certainly times when it can be hard to feel any level of gratitude about the circumstances we find ourselves in.   But usually, if you look hard enough you can […]

How do you say ‘Thank You’?

How do you say Thanks?   There are hundreds of ways to do it.   A study a few years back found the average American says “Thank you”  2,000 times/year.  That actually sounds a little low.   But the unfortunate flip-side of this was that although we say thank you at a fairly high rate, we actually only […]

A Time for Giving…

It is the week of Thanksgiving.   A day we take stock in the blessings in our lives and all we have to be thankful for.   But after “Thanks” it’s really the “giving” that matters and here are some easy ways you can. Globally this has been quite a year, there are few who don’t know […]

A Thanksgiving Exercise in Gratitude

With Thanksgiving upon us, there is no other time of the year that we intentionally focus on gratitude, appreciation, and being thankful more than this day.  But sometimes we all need a little nudge. In that spirit, we thought it would be fun to provide a game of sorts that you could try at home […]