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Is not being Likeable hurting your business?

How important is likeability to your business success?  It’s been said before (by me and many others) that all things being equal, people prefer to do business with someone they know, LIKE and trust.  Certainly from a sales perspective it’s important to be likeable, but it also plays into lots of other components of your […]

Slow week? 5 things to make it great!

Every now and then you get handed a slow week – usually the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but sometimes you’ll get a quiet week other times during the year.  Maybe you’ve officially taken the whole week off – which is great!  However if you’re like most business owners, you’re ‘working’ this week, […]

Looking for a fresh business idea – try Groupon!

photo by lepiaf.geo The continuing evolution of the internet has changed a lot of things – how people communicate (Facebook, Twitter), how they establish expertise (blogging, answering questions, wikis) and how business is done (online presence is mandatory now). What’s really exciting is that social media and the internet has generated a lot of cool […]