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Want to get audited by the IRS?  Here’s 5 ways to increase your chances!

It’s that time of year, the frequency of Tax software ads and commercials reach levels of political ads prior to an election (w/o all the mud).  There’s no question it is tax season!  This is also the time of year we are most likely to think about the potential of being audited by the IRS. […]

Save it for a Rainy Day – The What, Why and How…

We usually associate the phrase “Save it for a Rainy Day” with putting aside something for a time of special needs or emergencies.  The “Dictionary of Clichés” dates the origin of the saying back to the year 1580.  So it’s been passed down through generations for well over 4 centuries.  Though it’s still advised to […]

Are You Keeping Your Business Financially Healthy?

It’s the middle of the year and overall most businesses are continuing to ride the current economic growth cycle we’re on.  Weekly, we have clients talk about the challenges of finding employees to fill positions.   Amazon may be taking over the world but all-in-all there are still a lot of small businesses experiencing growth and […]

Pricing: Profit or Pain – What do you choose?

I’ve met with 2 different business owners in the last week and although their situations were wildly different, they both shared a significant challenge.  Despite having been in business for quite a while, both owners were finding running their business to be getting harder over time. Every day was feeling like an uphill slog and […]

Why Should You Focus on Profit?

It has been said, you get what you focus on.   Focus your mind and your efforts towards the things you want and you’re more likely to get them.  This is true in careers, sports, having healthy family relationships, and mastering a new skill or hobby. And in business, it must include focusing on profits. A […]

Is Your Financial Performance Medal Worthy?

  “Citius – Altius – Fortius” or Faster, Higher, Stronger, it’s the motto of the modern day Olympics. Three words of action, often first taped on a bedroom wall or in a workout room by a young aspiring athlete, with a timeless message that doesn’t expire. Three words and a constant reminder, Your Performance Matters. […]