Articles on:

Business Success: Hurts so good…

  If you want to keep building a great business, you have to be on the lookout for new ideas and different ways to succeed. One of the best ways to do that is finding local business success stories. Why are they succeeding? What can you learn from them? All of the ideas won’t always […]

Can an Elephant teach you about change?

  photo by 9-lives Imagine a large elephant and a relatively small rider, making their way through the jungle.  Now imagine the elephant sees something they’re interested in and heads that direction…at that point, the rider is literally carried away, even if that’s not where they wanted to go! That’s a key premise in Switch […]

Serious Insights from a Toy Company

photo by LaserGuided As a business owner, there are all sorts of places where you can pick up great information.  This week if you were lucky enough to be at the Principal Connections monthly networking event – you would have picked up some great business tips from Jonathan Freiden and Seth Freiden – brothers and […]

Revisiting – What are your Real Goals

  photo by Esparta I was revisiting some of my older blog posts and I found one that I felt was really worth while.  The original post is called What are your Real Goals and it covers a powerful exercise that will help you look at what you want to do differently. One of the […]

Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working!

photo by kennymatic Marketing for small business owners has gotten a lot harder in the last 20 years.  Way back when, if you wanted to generate some sales, you could pull together an ad, let people know what you were selling and you stood a good chance of selling more stuff.  These days there’s way […]

Get your creativity flowing with these fun ads!

One of the foundations of Guerrilla Marketing is creativity – finding a unique and interesting way to capture attention.  However just as importantly you need to be talking to the right people and you need to be getting them to think about the problems you solve and the benefits you deliver. The example above does […]