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How Brand Strategy Shapes Your Business Success

This is a guest post from Joel House (an SEO Expert from Sydney – see bio at the end). Thanks Joel. Your personal identity is what makes you unique, just like your brand identity gives the special sauce of your business, setting it apart among many competitors! Your brand identity design shapes the company, which […]

You Need a Foundation of Values to Drive Growth

Entrepreneurship is more of an art than a science. Every business, and business owner, is different. But… that doesn’t mean there aren’t some universal truths that can help you steer towards long term success. As an example, customers must be willing to pay for your product or service (not just like it, not follow you […]

What you believe matters… a lot!

We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds.  These filters are based on core beliefs and usually they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing.  And although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a huge […]

Does your business sell hope?

What does your business sell?  Do you ever look beyond the physical items or the list of services on your menu and think about that?  Do you see more than things?  In business, it is easy to get focused on the deliverables and overlook one key ingredient you provide a little of in every transaction. […]

A Time for Giving…

It is the week of Thanksgiving.   A day we take stock in the blessings in our lives and all we have to be thankful for.   But after “Thanks” it’s really the “giving” that matters and here are some easy ways you can. Globally this has been quite a year, there are few who don’t know […]

Simple Success… Is 4 the Magic Number?

Limiting quantities to “4” as a means to simplify has proven to be pretty successful in a lot of instances throughout history.  Who knows what the original driver was, maybe it started with the human species only having four limbs or was it the four seasons of the year, or the four cardinal directions, or […]