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Does your team get the cost of a ‘Do-Over’?

A “Do-Over” takes on many shapes and forms in business; warranty work, improper billing, improper invoicing, arriving at the wrong address for an appointment, shipping to the wrong address, wasted materials…you get the picture. Unfortunately as a business owner (especially with employees) the opportunities to excel in this expensive and unwanted category are almost endless. […]

Where’s the bottleneck in your business?

  photo by icatus When you’re talking about overall business effectiveness, the first thing you have to figure out is where the bottleneck is within your business (side note – it’s really challenging to find a good picture to represent a bottleneck). Of course the bottleneck is the constriction / constraint in terms of your […]

The Secret to Business Growth – Break on through!

Business growth can feel really challenging – you figure a few things out, you achieve some success and now you’ve got even bigger obstacles in front of you! In fact one of the biggest mistakes made is when people talk about a growth curve. What does your growth curve look like?  If it’s not flat, then it’s […]