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Are you playing to your strengths?

Maybe it just goes with this time of the year; businesses are reflecting on their year and planning for the next.  Companies are making assessments on all sorts of things, their product offerings, their current employee teams, if they have people in the right seats, what’s good, what’s bad, or what needs improvement?   And as […]

There’s a System for that…

(Image from the famous Candy Factory episode of I Love Lucy – Lucy’s system didn’t work so well in this case…) The now ubiquitous tagline “There’s an App for that” gained so much traction for Apple they filed to trademark it in Dec. of 2009. If you have an I-phone, Droid, or tablet PC you […]

Chasing rainbows won’t get you where you want to be

  Have you ever felt like you were chasing a rainbow?  You know that there’s a metaphorical pot of gold out there somewhere and you’re running hard…towards something but you’re not really sure where or what that something is. I’ve had this discussion with several of my clients recently (and been struggling with it some […]