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What you believe matters… a lot!

We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds.  These filters are based on core beliefs and usually they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing.  And although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a huge […]

Can this business be saved…?

Recently I was reviewing the spending habits of a business as the business was attempting to borrow more money. If you have borrowed (or tried to borrow money) in the last few years, you already know how challenging this has become. To get to the point, this company’s spending seems to be out of control […]

Is your business an All-Star?

On Tuesday evening, July 10th, 2012, baseball fans around the world will watch the annual Midsummer Classic – the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. With Kansas City as the host city this year, it’s a tremendous time for people all across the entire region to stand a little taller, show your pride, and take ownership […]

Do you have ‘Summer Hours’?

A friend of mine does a really cool thing every summer.  Once his kids are officially out of school he starts ‘Summer Hours’ for his business.  Basically he takes every Friday off during the summer – primarily so he can spend it with his kids, but also so he can recharge and attack his next […]

What’s holding you down in your business?

Do you know what’s holding you down in your business?  It might be your circumstances, the people around you, bad luck…but often at least one of the things holding you back is…you!  Specifically I’m talking about self-limiting beliefs, those sneaky almost unconscious beliefs that we all have and in some cases keep you from reaching […]