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How do you stay motivated to get things done?

We all want things – most of us want to be healthier, make more money, have more friends or learn new skills. But as we all know far too well, just wanting something doesn’t really do anything for you – you have to take action, put in the work, sometimes endure the pain to achieve […]

Consider ‘3 Words’ Instead of a Resolution this year…

It’s likely you’ve already heard or read a lot about goal setting and resolutions in the last couple of weeks. They are the go to topic for the end of the year and for good reason… almost everyone will give some thought to how they would like things to be different next year. And a […]

Focus on the Pattern, Not the Problem…

Does this sound familiar? Imagine you have a person on your team (or maybe one of your kids) who consistently ignores a rule or maybe they consistently apologize for breaking the rule and always have some kind of creative excuse for falling short. This came up the other day when I was talking to a […]

Embracing Accountability

Accountability, specifically a Culture of Accountability. If that’s not something you need for your business then stop reading.  But, if the word incites any level of curiosity or desire on how to grow a culture that embraces it, read on. This past week, accountability became the topic of discussion during a meeting (it often does).  […]