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Great Habit – Build on Thanksgiving!

It’s hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving – for me at least, 2011 has gone by in a blur (…time flies when you’re having fun?)!  Thanksgiving is always a great reminder to take a little time for yourself and think about what you’re grateful for.  Even better – use the time for reflection […]

Pull and Stay? Are you UnMarketing?

In his book ‘UnMarketing’ author Scott Stratten talks about a lot of things.  He talks a lot about twitter, about the essence of what marketing is today (versus 10 or 20 years ago), about the the criticality of engagement and a lot of interesting stories and anecdotes from his personal experiences. It’s all good stuff, […]

Are you working to build trust…every day?

  photo by Terry Johnston Trust may be the most important thing you can develop when it comes to your business success. If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.   – Zig Ziglar There are lots of ingredients when it comes to success, but trust […]

The 5 things you need to Boldly lead your business

             – CBS Paramount As a business owner, do you ever find yourself asking “WWKD?”  (What would Kirk Do?).  If not, it might be a strategy worth considering – as Randy Pausch pointed out in The Last Lecture, Captain Kirk is a great role model for a leader.  He knew it was critical to surround […]