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Is there a better way to get things done?

People are busy these days…and most business owners are crazy busy to the point where it’s not a surprise to miss out on family, friends or things they would just enjoy doing. There’s a desperate need to be more productive, more efficient with time, to get more done. What if being more productive, more efficient […]

3 Myths keeping you from being truly productive…

  Ask almost any business owner or professional how they are and the most likely answer you’ll get is “Busy”.  The problem with ‘busy’ is that it doesn’t equate to productive (as in getting the most important things done) – it generally just translates to busy. Busy makes you feel like you’re getting a lot done. Busy makes […]

How productive are you really?

Are you the king of your jungle?  Master of your own domain (oh wait…that’s something completely different)!  😉 What I’m getting at is do you feel like you’re in full control of your time and what you do with it?  Are you productive? If you’re like most people, that answer is a resounding NO!  You’re […]