Business Aspiration Model – Leading


Your survey responses indicate you are currently operating your business similar to our clients who are at:

Level 3 – Leading

Typically, businesses at this level have an executive team and defined processes. The owner and team are pretty well focused on the same SMART goals and consistently use a simple strategic planning process.  They continue to improve customer and employee relations. Everyone is committed to meeting those goals, and your team operates your business efficiently and effectively – as long as you are there to lead. Refinements at this level may revolve around questions such as:

  • Do all your sales people have a thorough understanding of how the features of your products or services benefit your clients or customers?  Can they relate these benefits to prospects in a meaningful sales conversation that leads to exceeding the new client or customer’s expectations?
  • Is everyone in the company focused on that same critical goals? Are you using quarterly themes to drive focus and make the critical incremental changes needed to stay on top?
  • What new needs does your target market have?  Are there new markets you should be tapping?  Are you challenging yourselves to keep your relationships with your customers and prospects fresh and expanding?
  • Is your team ready to lead the company without you?  Can you keep the excitement and high morale of those early entrepreneurial days?  How do you put in a whole new level of systems and processes without killing profit margins?

If any of these questions are keeping you awake at night, then you are experiencing the classic “flowing” pains of this business level. You’re successful, things work but there’s a lot that can be done better and you’re not in a great position (yet) to leave your legacy or exit your business in the most profitable way for everyone.

Growth – Taking it to Stage 4 Mastering

It may be time for your company to stand on its own two feet and for you to move from flowing / leading to rewarding. If you want to optimize the value of your business and find a way to pass it along (to the next generation or to a buyer) then you need to make some changes.  We have found that these are common issues for businesses at this level:

  • Who on your leadership team is ready to step up?  Do they have the drive and capabilities?  Or do you need to hire your next leader?
  • You and your team may feel you’re not on the leading edge of your industry anymore.  How can you get back there?
  • If overhead is eating your profit margins, how do you become lean again?
  • Employee turnover and training is too costly.  How do you find, train and keep good people?
  • Systems that manage operations and sales are not keeping pace with growth.  How do you stream line your systems?  How do you make those investment decisions?  Which systems are best?
  • You’ve always dreamed of stepping back from leading this business to pursue other dreams but are feeling trapped.

You’re not alone.  These are common issues at this level of company maturity.  The good news is there are proven answers.  We will ensure you and your team have the skills and efficient company -wide systems you need to step out of the day-to-day and leave a powerful legacy. Contact us today to set up a no obligation coaching session to learn more!

Make the call today!

Shawn Kinkade or Chris Steinlage

Phone: (913) 660-9400 Email: Request more information – enter Coaching in the comments section.