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7 Ways to use the Tools within the LinkedIn Toolbox

photo by pt  I’m doing different workshops on Online Marketing and using Online Social Networks to grow your business and one of the consistent questions I get is “What can I do with an Online Social Network for my business?” It’s a great question, and generally my response is another question – “What are you […]

What does Ben Franklin have to do with Networking?

Ben Franklin was an amazing man – most people are familiar with several of his more famous inventions.  As an outcome of his studies of electricity he invented the lightning rod.  He also invented the bi-focal glasses that he’s often pictured with (he was both near and far sighted and got frustrated with having to […]

Book Review – Made To Stick

Back in the early 90’s the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) had a difficult problem to solve.  Their goal as an organization was to improve quality of life by communicating proven problems. One of the problems they discovered was that movie popcorn, although a tasty treat, was bad for you. Really, really […]

Extend your networking – with a dinner party!

photo by Katiew Networking is all about establishing mutually beneficial win-win relationships with people that you know, like and trust (and vice versa).  Unfortunately it can be really difficult to develop those kinds of relationships in traditional professional networking environments. Enter the opportunity of the dinner party. In his book on networking and relationships “Never […]

3 Ways to smooth out the Ups and Downs of Marketing

Photo by spacemonkey Small business can be a pretty wild ride.  You land a big deal, have a big day, hit on all cylinders and you are on top of the world! Then you start doing the work, you focus on delivery, you’re working really hard…in your business.  It’s a sweet, fast ride downhill all […]

It's time to upgrade your communications

  Photo by tylerdurden1 For any business endeavor that goes beyond a single person probably the biggest driver for success is clear communication.  The good news is there are some amazing new technologies / products coming out that can revolutionize how your team communicates. If you think about it, that clear communication starts with the […]